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Heavy Lord - From Cosmos To Chaos
Although the Dutch doom metal scene isn’t that big, our nation does have some bands that are definitely worth listening to. Like Officium Triste and Mary Bell for instance. Prepare for the first decent stoner doom band to get a foot on the shore of sheer heaviness.
This promo from 2005 is the second one they’ve released, but the first one I actually hear. And to tell you the truth it doesn’t sound that bad at all. I’ve encountered them several times across the nation, playing with a variety of bands that I like, and usually they managed to please with their music. Vocally it varied a lot between good and bad, so I was very interested in his capabilities on this recording.
So we start out with a eleven minute long trip called “Elephaunt”, which consists of the most comfortable listening stoner doom this country has to offer. To be honest, in my register they don’t stand a chance against giants like Electric Wizard and High on Fire, but they manage to get a grip on me when I’m stoned. Which of course is the most important thing about this music in the first place. Duh! We are treated on a variety of heavy grooving stoner riffs, depressing melodic passages, and of course the slow bludgeoning doom drones. Accompanied by some nice beats that are never too present or absent this stands for some nice music. That drummer delivers a monstrous live performance by the way, that dude sure packs some devastating power.
Vocally it still varies. The vocal duties are executed by the bassist, who has the heavy stoner voice and the somewhat singing voice that is occasionally off, and one of the guitar players that produces a dirty scream that I like.
Well to me this says we have a nice addition to our nation’s scene, as small as it may be. A scene in which I’m bound to encounter them a whole lot more, and that is not a bad thing!
Heavy Lord - From Cosmos To Chaos
74/1001Details independant
Released on Saturday Jan 1st, 2005
stoner doom

Writer @DemonDust on Tuesday May 9th, 2006

Tags: #Heavy Lord
Tracklisting 1. Elephaunt
2. Scorpion Sting
3. The Ego Has Landed
4. One Is A Billion
5. While Empires Burn
Line up For some reason, these mysterious doomers wish to remain anonymous. They must be afraid for all the fanmail they will receive after people read this magnificent review.
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